Monday, March 02, 2009

This is why I do not buy music

For the last few years I have boycotted the music industry. The following article shows one of the main reasons why I made that decision:

Who Is Ryan Sit And Why Is EMI Suing Him? — Michael

Here are other reasons for not endorsing the music industry:

  • Over-priced: CDs should not be priced at $15 when they cost pennies to produce.
  • Artists receive little of the money we pay for CDs — the label houses, managers, promoters, and other blood-suckers take most of it; sadly, the majority of these people have little to do with making the music happen.
  • The music industry is controlled by a mafia-style group of monsters that are driven by nothing but greed. They care nothing about the consumer, the artists, the musicians. They chew all of them up until there is no more, and then they spit them out as waste.
  • Speaking of quality, music labels have been producing garbage CDs for many years. If two out of 10 songs in a CD are passable you can count yourself as lucky. Mass production, not only of the CDs but of the music itself, has replaced quality by far.
The music industry heads caused the problem of music piracy by failing to ensure quality and fairness in the product they promote. They also ignored the huge advantages of digital distribution of individual songs and instead tried to fight such marketing model with lawsuits and harassment.

Customer loyalty? They killed it.
Artist loyalty? They killed it too.
Lawyer loyalty? Oh, they have that, no doubt about it!

The above are my opinions. Until record labels make a substantial shift in their business model, I will not from them. I used to buy an average of five CDs per month at one time. That was at least five years ago. Let's see, 5 CDs per month * 12 months * 5 years * $12 = $3,600. How many of us in the world have done the same? Millions? Is there any wonder the music industry is desperate for revenue? Would it not be easier to fix the problems (internal to their organizations and their marketing philosophy) rather than filing crap lawsuits against innocent people?

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