Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Make Smart Substitutions

One of the things I have learned in the last few weeks is to make smart substitutions. The following article talks about making smart food substitutions:

Food Substitutions
Smart substitutions are small (seriously) changes to your diet that can really add up. Did you know that by using one teaspoon of mustard instead of mayonnaise, you save 54 calories? Or that one cup of airpopped popcorn has 100 fewer calories than one cup of buttered popcorn?

There are other substitutions you can make in your life to be healthier:
  • use the stairs instead of the elevator
  • park at the far end of the parking lot and walk more to the store
  • go for a walk rather than sit for lunch
  • schedule workout time rather than watching TV

These are all small, smart substitutions that will make a huge impact on your overall health.

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