Tuesday, August 10, 2004

One down, seven to go

Tracey and I spent most of today at the hospital with her first session of chemotherapy. It is a slow, long process designed to prepare her for the best use of the medications (or the poisons, as she calls them) so that they can work for the purpose intended.

She just called to tell me that she is feeling sick and needs me home. I will continue writing later.

[ ... ]

It is later now and my poor honey is trying to rest. It has not been an easy evening at all. Her stomach was very unsettled all afternoon and evening, and the medications did little to help. Also, the tension headache and lack of sleep did not help. We had to call the doctor because she actually vomited twice and that was not supposed to happen.

We learned today that the medications they are using on her the first four sessions are the ones that can damage her heart (not the second chemical, as I had previously thought).

Tracey has an appointment Friday to get a wig fitted.

Kelley from LMC stopped by and gave Tracey encouragement and support, and also took the time to get a prescription for Tracey -- what a great person she is! We really do not know what we would have done without her! I do know it would have been a much more difficult process for us. Kelley has been like a lighthouse in a violent storm -- she always brings us home safely! Thank you, Kelley!

My dear friend Shelley stopped by the hospital to meet with me and share some of the thoughtful items she put together for Tracey and a gift from my work team. Thank you Shelley and my friends at work!

Well, it is now past midnight and we need to be at the hospital again at 9 AM. I hope Tracey will have a good night's rest and feel much better soon!

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