Thursday, August 26, 2004

Dry, dry, dry

We have been celebrating around the house, as Noah has been pull-up free at night for a week! We are so proud of him! :-)

This morning, around 2 AM, he walked into our room and crawled in bed with me -- he just wanted to sleep in our bed. Of course, we quickly told him that was not going to work and I walked him back to his bedroom.

Around 7 AM I woke up to the sound of a Nintendo game -- both Noah and MacKenzie were sitting in front of the small TV we have setup for their game, playing happily (and quietly, which is rare). Those kids are growing up fast!

MacK and I went to the store to get Tracey's new medication and a few other things. We had a nice time together -- until the little bugger decided to trick me. We were heading back to the house and she was "reading" her magazine when she appeared to have fallen asleep. She would not respond to my voice or lightly touching her leg. When I tugged her leg she smiled and said: "Leave me alone." She was awake the whole time! The only thing that kind of gave her up is that she was holding onto the magazine with all her might! She is going to win some sort of acting award; mark my words on that!

Tracey still did not have a good day today -- this evening she was still feeling nausated. Even the new "super-duper" drug did not help her (at least not right away). What a terrible disease cancer is!

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