Saturday, August 28, 2004

Kids bowling and more

Let's start with Tracey: not much progress. She is still experiencing significant nausea and feeling like she has the flu (this is a known side-effect of the medication she is given after Chemo for producing bone marrow). She did feel a bit better at times, so there is hope that tomorrow will be a better day.

Today was the sign-up session for the kids bowling season — I now have my first hint of what is to come in the years ahead! I suspect Tracey and I will be very busy driving the kids to an endless number of activities! :-)

Both Noah and MacK were extremely friendly, going to everyone and introducing themselves freely. Noah was a little too friendly (as has been his habit so far) and actually interfered with another kid's bowling!

I also discovered that my patience is not as plentiful as I thought. Noah and MacK drove me nuts with their bowling. They started well enough — they rolled their first ball and then ran to the rack to get more balls! I think they need to learn some rules! After I showed them that their ball would be returned to them, they rolled a few more — not always on the lane they were supposed to! Noah actually tried to put his fingers in the holes, but has not concept of how to roll the ball. Sometimes the ball would go far, sometimes the ball would go straight up and down, landing on one spot and refusing to roll further, as if embarrased of being misused in such fashion!

Now, let me tell you that MacK has a style of her own in terms of bowling — she gracefully managed to combine ballet, gymnastics and bowling all into one. She brings her ball to the approach almost in a ballet style movement, turning and jumping as if listening to a classical piece. Once at the approach, she prepares herself for the ball delivery by twisting her body in positions that are almost impossible to describe. One that repeated itself involves holding the ball with one hand, raising the opposite leg towards the ceiling, twisting around the ball to end in a sitting position facing the bowling alley, then smoothly pushing the ball and getting 8 pins. I may just have to try her technique someday!

Interestingly, I was asked to coach the PeeWee group for the league this year. If I had hair, it would be gone before long.

After we got home the kids had lunch, and Noah and I left to see our friends Bill and Jerry. On the way to their house Noah asked me:

Noah: Dad, is there a Wendy's at Mr. Bill's?
Me: I don't think so, why?
Noah: They have burgers there, you know?
Me: Yes, I know.
Noah: I need a burger soon!
Me: Oh really? Maybe Mr. Bill will have some fruit he can share with us, OK?
Noah: OK

We visited with our friends (Noah had several cookies, a glass of milk, and soda) and then headed home several hours later. As we left their house Noah asked:

Noah: Is there a Burger King around here?
Me: No, I don't think there is one here.
Noah: I want a burger, you know?
Me: We'll have dinner when we get home.

Then we stopped at the ATM.

Noah: Do they sell burgers here?
Me: No, I am just getting some cash from the bank.
Noah: So that we can get a burger at Burger King?
Me: No, so that I can have cash in my wallet.
Noah: What about a burger?
Me (smiling): We'll have dinner when we get home.

Then Noah fell asleep until we got home.

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