Thursday, October 04, 2018

The Daily - Thursday, October 4, 2018 (AM)


Another "zero" day? Yikes! I just could not get out of bed this morning! My fault, of course, for staying up too late. And this highlights the fact that morning rituals demand healthy evening rituals. What are my evening rituals? I have none!


I have been diligent on keeping up with my morning rituals, and it has really paid off. Except when I have not, like during the last two mornings. Today I realized that my morning rituals depend on how early I go to bed, and that trigger (going to bed) is not regular for me. Most nights I go to bed around 9:30 PM, some nights around 10:30, and a few nights after 11:30. However, if I want to always get up at 4:30 AM to do my morning routine, and always get at least seven hours of sleep, then I need to be firmer with my bedtime schedule. That, of course, is easier said than done! So many things can affect our bedtime. However, we know that if something is important to us then we will find a way to get it done.

Here is a nice article on sleeping patterns and how they can be useful to us: Why a Regular Sleep Schedule Benefits Your Health


A little fact-checking on the latest set of fake facts from the Fake-in-Chief concerning NAFTA and its replacement agreement: FactChecking Trump on Trade


Have you ever hit the "Send" button on an email and then realized that, for example, you forgot to attach the document that the message referred to? Or, worse yet, you click "Send" before finishing the most important sentence of the email? Or, even worse yet, you have written something really, truly nasty that you never meant to send and accidentally send it to everyone on your mailing list?

Here is a nice article on avoiding the Email Oops that get many of us: Email Oops, and How to Avoid Them

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