Saturday, July 07, 2007

We are being cheated — The Hot Fuel Effect

It is bad enough that gas prices are at near-peak levels, but now we find out that motorists in the USA are actually being cheated because of what is called "hot fuel." The USA Today has an article on this. It is clear to me that oil companies are extremely greedy and should be held accountable for what appears to be an unethical practice. Of course, if it comes to pass that they are found liable and made to pay — who do you think will absorb the cost in the end? I suspect it would be you and I that would pay for such through even higher prices at the pump. That is a loosing proposition for consumers. In the long run, the best option for all of us (including our fragile Planet), is to stop using fossil fuels and develop other ways of fueling vehicles. Also, effective, economical public transportation must be developed for all communities. Finally, we will need to realize that we need to change our priorities and use public transportation and car pooling to cut our consumption of fossil fuels. Only then will we be able to curb the greed of oil companies and implement real solutions to this increasing problem.

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