Friday, December 29, 2006

Tracey's Update: Wednesday and Thursday (Dec. 27 & 28)

Wednesday was an OK day for Tracey. Her mental state seems to be more altered, possibly by the medications they are giving her, maybe by the swellings in her brain. She had more nausea and headaches. The hospital is adjusting her meds accordingly.

Thursday morning brought more nausea and vomiting. Doctor Madden still anticipates a Friday release. The kids have visited her almost daily and "the girls" (Jenny and Kayla) have spent several hours with her.

The nausea, dizziness and headaches continued throughout Thursday and Thursday night. Her hearing is now distorted -- for example, you may tell her that "Jane called to say hello" and she repeats it as "Jill went to the Zoo". :-( Communicating with Tracey has become very difficult and it brakes my heart to see the look of confusion in her eyes.

It looks like Friday's discharge may not happen.

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