Thursday, December 07, 2006

Catching Up: Danger ahead!

Danger! Danger! If you are a SciFi aficionado, you may recall the robot in "Lost in Space" issuing its warnings to its humans. That is the same sense of impending danger I get when I read that Microsoft has an agreement to work on open-source Linux through Novell. Microsoft has made it clear that it is in its best interest to destroy open source. They soften their stand on the matter only because they realized how much market share they were losing. But their basic philosophy has not changed -- in order for them to continue making money they need to charge for products. And I believe it goes beyond that -- it is a matter of corporate pride to dominate every market they are in. They have gone to great lengths to destroy any competition. They have tried to bury the Linux and open-source movement under tons of FUD. Although Microsoft has slowed down the adoption of Linux in the desktop arena, there is no doubt that they have finally realized the tidal wave is getting too large for them to stop from the outside. So they will try to do so from inside Linux. Is Microsoft's strategy to provoke a Linux war, as suggested by John Dvorak? Or is there a lot more than that, as written by Kevin Carmony of Linspire.

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