Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Schools are disease farms

The kids are back to school after missing more than a week of classes. My mother in law thinks it is OK for them to be exposed to illnesses to build their immune system. Maybe so, maybe not. On the other hand the rest of us are also exposed to the same crap and we do not need any more of that stuff! And them being exposed to viruses and such has a detrimental ripple effect: I get sick, I take it to work, they get sick, their kids get sick, other school kids get sick, etc. The terrorist group that taps into this type of community germ-sharing for an evil cause will do some serious damage to the world. This is further complicated by the fact that our state government tells schools that they should make sick kids go to school! Bronchitis or pneumonia? Go to school! The list of diseases that are "allowable" in the schools include:

* Bronchitis
* Common colds (mild)
* Croup
* Ear infection
* Fifth Disease (what happened to diseases First to Fourth? Are there more than five?)
* Pinworms
* Pneumonia
* Rash w/o fever
* Ringworm
* Red eye (without yellow or green discharge, fever or matting)
* Warts

Although these illnesses in themselves may not be seriously contagious, what about a kid that is struggling with pneumonia that then gets exposed to something else? Yikes! You could kill someone that way!

Home schooling anyone? Let's see: better education and less disease and more individual caring. That sounds like a winning formula to me!

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