Friday, November 25, 2005


I hope everyone had a very safe Thanksgiving!

Experts say that the best way to achieve a difficult goal is to share it with family and friends that will support you. So I am sharing my number one goal with all of you: I am going to lose weight. The title of this blog is my current weight. My target goal is 200 pounds; my ideal goal is 180 pounds.

Two years ago, the day after Thanksgiving marked the first day of our adoption of the Atkins diet. Within days I had lost 20 pounds without exercising much; after a few weeks I had lost almost 50 pounds. I was also exercising regularly and liked what I saw in the mirror.

So what happened to reverse that great progress? I can summarize it as weakness and temptation: I started eating high-carb foods here and there, and my weight did not go up -- so I got over confident. Then I stopped exercising but kept eating the high-carb foods. Needless to say, here I am, at my heaviest ever.

Today I am restarting my Atkins plan. It is very difficult at times, especially during the induction period (first two to four weeks), but the results are worth the sacrifices. Coach Lou Holtz always reminds us that anything that is worthy of our efforts will require some sacrifice.

190 -- I am still coming!

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