Monday, October 08, 2018

The Daily - Monday, October 8, 2018


It turns out there is a name for smart financial living: FIRE, or "Financial Independence and Retire Early" (or is it Financially Independent and Retired Early; who knows!).

Not surprisingly, there is some debate and controversy on the topic. I came across an article by Mr. Money Mustache explaining some of the misunderstanding and misconceptions around the FIRE philosophy. I will let you make up your mind as to who may be right or wrong on the truthfulness or accuracy of the FIRE concept, especially the early retirement part of it. The truth is, being financially responsible is not a new concept. Being frugal is a well-known viewpoint that was practiced by Benjamin Franklin and many others even in the early days of our nation, and I am sure they did not invent the practice, they learned it from smart, frugal people.

Being frugal means being smart with your money and with your spending habits. It means tracking how much you make and how much you spend; from that you learn what you may not need to spend on. You must make a budget and then stick to it.

It is a rather simple process, really, but it is not easy to do. But I think Dave Ramsey has one of the best, free methods to help anyone achieve long-lasting financial freedom. Start with the "7 Baby Steps" and you will be on your way.


I believe the AM/PM editions experiment has been proven unattainable during regular work days. If I did not have an 8-5 job I could easily do this. But work will always interfere with this hobby and so I will end the dual daily edition. I think, instead, I may migrate to a single topic posting, and post as many of those as seem prudent during the day. 

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