Sunday, April 27, 2008

Attacks on Oil Ships

As if the oil production situation was not bad enough, attacks by terrorists are driving the price of oil even higher. This is an obvious attempt to artificially hike the price of fuels to hurt developed countries that depend on them. Terrorists have everything to gain from these attacks. The immediate effect is to generate even more money for their supporters, thus enabling them to prepare even more terrifying acts of destruction. They are also managing to cripple our economies by affecting every aspect of life. And they are, most importantly, instilling fear and uncertainty into our life. This is, perhaps, potentially their biggest victory -- if we let them. As a global community, we need to speed-up the process of becoming energy-independent. We can no longer afford to be dependent on foreign oil. Individually, however, we must remain strong and show these barbarians that we will not honor their actions with fear -- we will move forward and find solutions that do not involve their oil. In the end, it will be better for the planet and a decisive victory over the forces of evil that simply will not allow peace to succeed.

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