Monday, May 27, 2019

Memorial Day Thoughts

While many Americans "celebrate" Memorial Day with BBQs, picnics, cookouts, and parties, I find the day very sad.

It seems many Americans misunderstand the reason for Memorial Day. Some think it is to honor those that serve in the armed forces; actually, that is "Armed Forces Day." Some think that it is to celebrate the valiant efforts of our veterans; in reality, that is done on "Veterans Day."

Memorial Day is supposed to be a day to remember those that died in combat or while serving in the military. It is a day to be grateful for their sacrifices and those their families made. It is a day to stop and think why those sacrifices were made. It is an opportunity to stop and question why those sacrifices were made.

As I grow older and gain ability to discern, I find myself very sad on Memorial Day. The last few wars, from Korea on, are very different from their predecessors. The reasons for going to war have shifted from morality to economics. I cannot help but to question how many lives lost in wars motivated by greed could have been spared and would have benefited our country and our world in so many better ways. My admiration for, and gratitude to, the men and women that lost their lives is not diminished; my sorrow for their loss is heightened by the awareness of senselessness.

We now face the prospect of another prolonged war, this time against Iran. The lies being told are obvious to anyone that wants to use a questioning attitude. Who will benefit from another war? Will it benefit the average citizen in the United States? Not likely, as we will all be made to pay for this war and the restoration thereafter. Will it benefit the citizens of Iran? Not likely; their dead will be but one more reason to hate us. Or will it benefit, mostly, a few wealthy industrialists that peddle their deadly, immoral wares unconcerned with whether the victims are in a far away place or in an elementary school down the street.

I think we must grow impatient with the status quo; we need to question the excuses for more unnecessary death, for more unnecessary destruction. Let us be true patriots and pledge allegiance to the nation, not to the government, certainly not to a government that has sold out to the war lords.

Our fallen deserve our respect, our gratitude, and our truest patriotism.

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