Monday, July 31, 2006

Lesson from the Flea Market

It is getting harder to make ends meet. What with the rising cost of gas and everything else, we have tried all sorts of things to increase our earnings. This weekend we tried a flea market. Tracey is very artistic and has created some beautiful jewelry and other crafts that should attract some great interest. I decided to bring some used computer equipment and put it up for sale. We learned some valuable lessons on our first day. First, do not get there too early -- customers do not arrive until later in the day. Second, be ready for intense heat -- fortunately, we were pretty ready (plenty of water in a cooler, plus some fruit for snacking, and a nice fan). Third, make sure you have all the needed equipment -- Mr. Geek forgot a keyboard and mouse for the demo equipment (do I hear a big DUH from the audience?). Fourth, be ready to call it an early day if there are no significant sales (especially in the hot days). Fifth, talk with your neighbor vendors -- you learn a great deal by being sociable.

This last lesson, however, can be extended to many other aspects of life. It is through communications with other, more experienced players in a chosen field, that we shorten our learning curve and gain experience more quickly. Talking with others with an open mind is a very valuable lesson indeed. Above all, have fun doing whatever you are doing at that moment -- it will never happen again.


Tracey said...

Networking is just awesome!

The Ultimate Scrapper said...

Hi there Victor! Tracey sent us your blog link. Love your lessons learned... I think... another lesson to add (maybe) would be to do some research and a checklist. This way you wouldn't have forgotten the demo stuff. Lastly, you got out of the house and spent it with your lovely wife. =) Barb