Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Blogging Coincidence

Last night I remembered that many years ago someone came upon my old personal website and she suggested that I should really consider the new blogging format. For one reason or another (apathy? procrastination?) I never followed up on that suggestion — who would have known that I would be blogging several years later! :-) It goes to show that we need to listen to those coincidences in life!

Speaking of coincidences, the subject is covered wonderfully in a book by James Redfield called "The Celestine Prophecy." Tracey got it from the library(in audio format) one day and we loved it! It may not be for everyone, but we definitely enjoyed the concepts developed there.

Coincidences and concepts are also key subjects when you look at Jose Silva's "UltraMind System." The free course is called "The Unlimited You." There is also a Yahoo! Group dedicated to the Silva Method.

Looking for a little pick-me-up? No, I don't mean coffee or meds! Mike Brescia will gladly give you a morale or spiritual boost — and sometimes the occasional kick on the rear end! His main website is Think Right Now where he offers some excellent products that can literally change your life. Another of his sites is Instant Inner Power. Would you like a free product from Mike? Then visit Today Is Your Day to Win and sign up to receive Mike's complete book via email (no spam ever!).

I hope these ideas can help you!

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